Team Facilitation
Facilitation makes work easier, more focused, and highly efficient.
Facilitation creates a more cohesive environment, allowing individuals to focus on their duties, fulfill tasks and increase productivity.
Facilitated meetings and discussions are well thought out and highly organized, using creative techniques to help analyze and structure ideas. Properly engaging participants ensures that objectives are reached faster and with greater efficiency.
The Role of the Facilitator
The role of the facilitator is to act as a catalyst for productivity and behavioral chemistry. The facilitator is responsible for the “How” while remaining neutral to the "What".
Responsibilities of the facilitator include:
* Encourage participation
* Evaluate each individual’s potential contribution
* Provide tools for constructive communication
Goals of Facilitation
* Create an atmosphere that fosters constructive discussion
* Encourage and value everyone's active participation
* Support groups through the decision-making process
* Simultaneously facilitate a common understanding and broader vision of the issues at hand
* Facilitate constructive discussions, especially when opinions diverge
* Keep the discussion focused on goals and solutions, not on personal issues
* Facilitate a process of "positive and constructive change" using the "appreciative inquiry" method
When Facilitation is Appropriate
* Meetings involving top executives and/or experts
* Brain storming sessions or creative meetings
* International and multicultural meetings
* During crisis or challenging events
Socrate Consulting
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1325 Chaumont-Gistoux
Phone: +32455113414
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00054 Fiumicino (RM)