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"Let him who would move the world, first move himself"


Socrate Consulting offers invaluable assistance in fostering growth for individuals, teams and organizations, specializing in conflict resolution and promoting cultural diversity.

Our company name is dedicated to Socrates because, like the Greek philosopher, we believe that people and organisations have within themselves all the potential necessary for their development.
We believe that self-awareness, exchange, integration of cultural diversity, without forgetting a pinch of creativity, are favorable conditions.
Like Socrates, we use deep listening, the power of questions and dialogue.

Our Mission: to help customers, companies, managers or individuals enhance and develop the totality of their potential, achieve set goals, discover new ones, act within the ethical values ​​that they have set themselves.

Our values ​​are:

  • Positivity: the search for strengths and the development of available skills
  • Courage: in implementing choices, in facing challenges
  • Creativity: in finding the right solutions or providing suggestions
  • Perseverance: in supporting change over time
  • Sustainability: the search for new situations/choices that can withstand time

How we can Help

Coaching is “a partnering conversation in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential”.

Mediation is a flexible dispute resolution process in which an impartial third party facilitates dialogue and negotiations between parties to help them devise their own, mutually acceptable solutions/agreement.

Facilitation creates a more cohesive environment and makes work easier, more focused and highly efficient.

our favorite topics


"Only those who know that they do not know are wise, and not those who believe that they know and thus ignore even their ignorance."

Creativity & Innovation

"If you can’t smile, you can't open a shop."
Chinese proverb

Positive Change 

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorny bushes have roses."
Abraham Lincoln

Career Transition

"Do what you can with what you have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt

Coaching di cariera
Coaching di cariera
Albero della vita
Albero della vita
Creatività e Innovazione
Creatività e Innovazione
Creatività e innovazione
Creatività e innovazione
Coaching Individuale
Coaching Individuale